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Several Massachusetts victims injured in pedestrian accident

On behalf of posted in Pedestrian Accidents on Saturday February 15, 2014

Pedestrians are often more prone to being injured if they are involved in an accident with a motor vehicle of any type. The lack of protection that someone outside of a vehicle has makes them very vulnerable when put in a dangerous situation with a car. Unfortunately, multiple people were injured in a pedestrian accident at a Massachusetts college recently. The accident took place on Feb. 3 at around 6 p.m. and involved one vehicle and multiple pedestrians. The three pedestrians were attempting to cross the road at a designated crosswalk when they were reportedly hit by the driver. The three victims…

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Massachusetts man injured in pedestrian accident

On behalf of posted in Pedestrian Accidents on Wednesday January 15, 2014

People who work as emergency responders are oftentimes seen as invincible, especially after they retire from their dangerous line of work. Society sometimes forgets that they are human as well and, because of this, can be hurt or killed just like anyone else. Unfortunately, a retired firefighter in Massachusetts was killed in a pedestrian accident recently. The victim was a former Massachusetts firefighter who was 77 years old. The man was struck on the evening of Jan. 11 by an SUV while attempting to cross the street. Emergency personnel arrived soon after the accident occurred, and the man was transported to a…

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Massachusetts woman killed during pedestrian accident

On behalf of posted in Pedestrian Accidents on Monday December 30, 2013

Wintery conditions can often have an effect on a driver's ability to react, but this does not mean that negligence is acceptable on the driver's part. Crosswalks are supposed to allow pedestrians a safe way to cross the street, however, they can be dangerous if drivers do not recognize them as well. A woman was tragically killed last week in a pedestrian accident in Massachusetts. The woman who was killed was 77 years old and was a Boston resident. The accident occurred on Dec. 19 when the woman was hit by a 67-year-old man while trying to cross the street in a…

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Massachusetts pedestrian accident leaves 1 man with injuries

On behalf of posted in Pedestrian Accidents on Tuesday December 10, 2013

Pedestrians are known for sometimes not using the crosswalk, but this does not mean that drivers have the right-of-way when a pedestrian runs across the street in front of them. Sometimes an accident could have been avoided -- along with the injuries that may follow -- if the driver had been paying full attention to the road instead of the numerous other distractions that are possible when operating a motor vehicle. A pedestrian accident in Massachusetts left a man injured recently. The man was trying to cross the road outside of a crosswalk mid-morning when he was struck by a driver. The…

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Massachusetts pedestrian accident injures 1 man

On behalf of posted in Pedestrian Accidents on Wednesday December 4, 2013

Unfortunately, the drivers of motor vehicles can sometimes forget that they are not the only ones on or near the road. This can create very dangerous situations for those who are not in a car when drivers are not more careful. The injuries that often follow these situations can be very severe, and can be worse than that of a car accident. A pedestrian accident occurred in Massachusetts recently that injured one man. The crash occurred around 6:45 p.m. when a man in dark clothing was struck by a car. The weather conditions were less than helpful as it was raining that…

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Massachusetts woman injured in pedestrian accident

On behalf of posted in Pedestrian Accidents on Thursday November 21, 2013

Roads can be dangerous for those who are securely in a vehicle, but for pedestrians who have no protection surrounding them, the risk is greatly increased. The negligence of those who operate a motor vehicle on public roads can sometimes have tragic outcomes that can end in the injury or even death of other persons. Unfortunately, a pedestrian accident in Massachusetts recently injured a woman. Authorities indicate that an unidentified vehicle hit a 42-year-old woman on Nov. 8 around 11 p.m. State Troopers found the woman lying beside the road soon after the occurrence was called in. The car that hit the…

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Massachusetts pedestrian accident kills 1 and injures another

On behalf of posted in Pedestrian Accidents on Friday November 8, 2013

The victim of a pedestrian accident can often be left with physical injuries or even killed, but the unseen emotional scars that the victim or family can be left with are much more demoralizing. That emotional pain can be amplified if the person who caused the accident does not stop, but instead drives away and leaves the victim there to die. Unfortunately, one such pedestrian accident in Massachusetts recently took the life of one person and left another injured. The accident occurred on Oct. 29 when a man struck the two victims with his sport utility vehicle and then proceeded to drive…

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Massachusetts pedestrian accident injures 2 people

On behalf of posted in Pedestrian Accidents on Monday November 4, 2013

Car accidents that involve multiple cars can quickly increase in their level of severity each time a new car becomes involved. With each additional vehicle, the chance of someone else receiving serious injuries or being killed increases drastically. Multi-car accidents that involve pedestrians can become even more serious, as the lack of protection for the pedestrian can often leave him or her with seriously injured. A very recent pedestrian accident in Massachusetts injured two people. The accident happened around 7 a.m. on Oct. 18., and Boston police arrived soon after. Initial reports claimed that three different motor vehicles had been involved in…

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Pedestrian accident in Massachusetts injures 1 person

On behalf of posted in Pedestrian Accidents on Tuesday October 22, 2013

Accidents involving pedestrians are not as common as accidents between motor vehicles, but they can often be much more severe. Drivers sometimes forget about pedestrians, which can create very dangerous situations for all parties involved. Pedestrians are very vulnerable in these situations, and can many times be left with serious injuries or even loss of life. A woman from Massachusetts was seriously injured recently in a pedestrian accident. The woman was hit by a car around 8:30 p.m. on Oct. 16. She was trying to cross the road near an intersection at the time of the accident. Following the incident, she…

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Massachusetts homeless man hurt in pedestrian accident

On behalf of posted in Pedestrian Accidents on Wednesday October 16, 2013

Pedestrians have no protection to shield them when they are hit by a vehicle, and this can lead to serious injury. Drivers often forget that pedestrians have the right of way. They need to give pedestrians ample room to be certain that a serious situation does not occur. However, it is sometime too easy for drivers to ignore pedestrians and their actions. Unfortunately, a homeless man was recently injured in Massachusetts when he was involved in a pedestrian accident with a minivan. The homeless man was struck by a minivan on Oct. 5 and was then transported to the hospital with injuries.…

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